Started by Stephanos, July 02, 2013, 11:39:45

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My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


Κλασσική κίνηση για άνοιγμα short θέσης με stop loss τη γραμμή λαιμού.
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


Προς retest της γραμμής λαιμού.
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


O μακροχρόνιος είδε δύο φορές τα κέρδη του στα ύψη και δύο φορές να εξαφανίζονται....
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


Χωρίς ενδείξεις αντιστροφής ...
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


Ήρθε η ώρα τώρα να εξετάσουμε αυτό τον τριπλό πυθμένα που ήταν και ο στόχος του μεγάλου σχηματισμού αντιστροφής.
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


Αναλλοίωτη παραμένει η τεχνική εικόνα στο εβδομαδιαίο διάγραμμα. Ο RSI εξακολουθεί να βρίσκεται κάτω από το επίπεδο των 30 μονάδων.
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


Οι τιμές προσεγγίζουν ξανά τη μακροχρόνια καθοδική γραμμή τάσης.
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


Αφού έχει προσεγγίσει με ακρίβεια τον στόχο του σχηματισμού ΩΚΩ συνεχίζει την ανοδική της πορεία. Υπάρχουν περιθώρια για τη συνέχιση της ανόδου αλλά η διαδρομή δεν θα είναι εύκολη.
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


H μετοχή γράφει υψηλό 5 μηνών!
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


Το μεγαλύτερο στένεμα των λωρίδων από τον Σεπτέμβριο του 2014.
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


Οι λωρίδες bollinger προειδοποιούν ....
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


Quote from: Stephanos on April 28, 2015, 11:57:03

Αν το καλό κλίμα συνεχιστεί και δεν υπάρξει κάποιο δυσάρεστο απρόοπτο, η μετοχή θα μπορούσε να αγγίξει το ψυχολογικό επίπεδο των 2 ευρώ.
My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.


My word of advice: "Trade what you see, not what you believe."

Against the Standard Way of Thinking.